Tuesday, 10 December 2019


It was Tuesday, I guess
In a grocery store, where my mom took me
Near the billing counter
I saw an old man, with a stick
Dressed all in white with a beautiful kufi on his head

Yeah he was alone
And accidentally dropped his debit card in the shopping basket
With stick in one hand, he was trying to reach for card from another
I saw him doing all these
So I pulled the card and handed him

He looked at me with a smile, so earnest
It took my heart away
He came and sat next to me
“I survived two bullets on my right leg,
in Kargil
retired as a Captain,
I was that young!”
I had no words so, I became a listener
and he recited his story
“I took fourteen years out of my life
To teach my two sons and to make their career
One is Major in army
Another Manager in SBI.”
I couldn’t miss the satisfaction on his face
Nor the smile
Neither his words.

After some time,
He stood up
“take care, beta” he left
And I could only manage to say a thank you.

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Again for myself

I know it's never gonna be easy
One day....
it may be tomorrow
or some two years after this moment
I'll have to leave you
and find a new path

I don't know
how many tears do I need to shed again
how the broken heart would be repaired
how would I collect myself
But some distant day,
I know 
I would.

Again the same routine
same pain penetrating me deep down
Of course I can see
but everything is blank
nothings gonna be same ever again
and I have to live with it.

Every time it happens,
every time I'll have to let it go
I know I don't deserve you
or I guess I don't deserve anyone
just blank lonely place.

Once again,
I know I can do it again
again for myself. 

Saturday, 9 November 2019

The Day We Met

I still remember the day we met
it was a crowded corridor
but my eyes could only find yours.

Those beautiful eyes,
that belongs to you
flattered me on the first look
I wanted to take my eyes off yours
it felt eternity
I have no fault.

I do remember, the look on your face...
the sweet smile 
that emerged on your lips
it faded quickly
as if  you did that only for me.

Wanted to hug you that time
in front of all
but what could have I done
the place was wrong.

Your eyes staring
not leaving mine
I wanted them to be there
all the time.

You step closer
I held my breath
Your touch made me forgot
what I really wanted to say.

Your eyes speaking everything to me
but  then also,
you spoke what I wanted forever
"You're the best
thing ever happened to me."